” Tunafanya Harusi soon” Kenyan Male Tiktokers say that they are ready to get Married.(Welly Josh and Jude Magambo).
Jude Magambo and his boyfriend Welly Josh reveal that they will be doing a wedding soon.

Welly Josh and Jude Magambo have shocked alot of Kenyans after they decided to come out of the closest. The famous male content creators and tiktokers have revealed to the public that, they are dating and deeply in love with each other.
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Speaking in an interview with Presenter Ali , the two gay lovers said that , there love is very strong and even their families know that , they are in LGBTQ society. They admitted that their parents are proud of them and they even support them.

Welly Josh and Magambo openly said that they are currently planning for their wedding. This will be the first gay celebrity couple wedding in Kenya. They want to make it official that they are in love and ready to be together forever.
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This is something that has never happened in Kenya, despite the rising numbers of LGBTQ community, most or all communities in Kenya are against the rainbow and to many it is a taboo.
The two said that it is a new era and they don’t care about what the society says about them.They said that they will get married and they have a dream of having two children together.
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To them it is possible to have children because they will use artificial insemination or any other technology. It is indeed a very shocking story, lets wait and see how all this will be possible.
Click here to watch full video on YouTube.