Tizian Savage: It Is True A Mumamaz Bought Me A Ksh.7 Million Audi For Being Cute

Kenyan tiktoker and one of the most celebrated cute celebrity in Kenya, Tizian Savage finally decided to open up on how he acquired Ksh.7 Million Audi.
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Speaking in an interview with Obinna Tizian Savage said that the Audi he flaunted online it is fully owned by him. He imported it from abroad and everything even the logbook is under his name.
Tizian said that before he acquired an Audi A7, he first had naught an Audi A6 and that was from the money he used to make on Tiktok, but unfortunately it got involved in an accident, and he was forced to sell it to the company and given a write off.
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While he was in the process of seeing how he can get another car, a mysterious gifter, who is a woman based abroad decided to offer to help him get a new car.
It seemed like jokes but the lady was serious. Just like a good friend and gifter, the woman decided to asking Tizian his dream car, and decided to help him acquire the machine.
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He said that The woman added him some good amount of money to acquire the Audi and helped him to import from abroad. The process took one month and now he is the new owner of ksh.7 Million Audi.