” Juzi Stevo Aliletewa Deal ya Ksh.1.3 Million Akakataa Kusign Juu ya Pritty Vishy” Manager Reveals.

The story of Stivo Simple Boy is getting more messy as new details continue to emerge. The singer who is among the most famous and celebrated musicians in Kenya, caused stir online after it emerged that he is broke again.
Read more:Stivo Simple Boy Returns To Kibera After Landlord Kicked Him Out of Buruburu Apartment.
His manager Chingiboy, decided to reveal the truth about Simple Boy and why his situation is worsening despite being a famous musician with hitsongs.
The manager revealed that the problem of Simple Boy is mostly his family, after he revealed that he was going through a hard time, his family took him and doesn’t want anyone to associate with him. He declined help from Oga Obinna, Flaqo and even Director Trevor.
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The elephant in the room is that Stevo Simple Boy declined a ksh.1.3 Million deal because of Pritty Vishy. Pritty had gotten the deal and they were to work with Stevo, she was very ready to work with her ex, but Stevo decline claiming that he does not want to work with Pritty.
The manager said they have tried to help Stevo but it is like it is becoming hard and it seems hiw family doesn’t want him to be helped.