Ringtone Apoko : I’m Ready to Give Zari A Multimillion Mansion in Karen For Free.
Ringtone Apoko Reveals that he is ready to give Zari a Multimillion Mansion in Karen for free.

The story of Ringtone Apoko and Zari has surfaced again. This time round, Ringtone has decided to offer a Multimillion Mansion in Runda to Zari for free. Some years back Ringtone gifted Zari a Range Rover but Zari denied it.
Ringtone Apoko and Zari are like water and paraffin hence it is difficult for them to be in love. Speaking in an interview with online media, Ringtone said that when Zari was in Kenya he was very busy.

Ringtone said that he had no time to hit out at Zari or even meet her because of his schedule. He however said that if Zari is planning to settle in Kenya, he is very much ready to help her get a good house. Ringtone said that he is ready to gift Zari a Multimillion Mansion in Karen.
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Remember Ringtone owns a mansion both in Runda and Karen. So the Karen Mansion is free and he is ready to give to Zari. Some years ago Ringtone was crushing on Zari and he even attempted to gift Zari a Range Rover but Zari denied the gift.
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This time round Ringtone has not shown much interest, but deep down, he feels like Zari is his ideal woman. Zari on the other hand she has a very cute and handsome man who is keeping her warm and they are even planning to get married.
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Though miracles do happen, but for Ringtone Apoko and Zari to date, it is something that can’t happen. Zari seems to be comfortable. Since the period she denied Ringtone’s gift of a Range Rover, she has never talked about him.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.(courtesy).