Reactions After Kingkaka’s Sons Fail Kiswahili Exams Terribly.

Nana Owiti the wife to one of the most famous and celebrated kenyan rapper, Kingkaka, decided to expose their young sons, Roy and Iroma, for being unable to do Kiswahili assignment.
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The two boys had been given an assignment, and it was evident that the young boys don’t know Kiswahili completely, because everything they had just answered was completely wrong, and showed that there is alot that need to be done, for them to grasp the language.
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The young children were even unable to identify how a parent is called in Kiswahili. Nana was shocked when she asked them , who ‘Mzazi ‘ is , they were unable to answer, and this just showed that children who mostly attend group of schools usually have difficulties when it comes to learning local language such as Kiswahili.
Here is the video.
A section of tiktokers reacted to the video, and a good number of them said that they are experiencing the same problem with their toddlers. They completely don’t understand Kiswahili. Parents of this generation are focused on making sure that their children are English literate at a very young age, unlike the millennial parents who mostly focused on teaching their children local language to promote culture.