
Police Have Uprooted Bhang Worth ksh. 10 Million in Machakos County

Police uprooting bhang in Machakos.

Police Have Uprooted Bhang Worth ksh. 10 Million in Machakos County.

Marijuana is one of the most abused illegal drug by Kenyan. Since Wajackoya started campaigning for the legalisation of Bhang Police have started a silent crackdown against Marijuana farmers and sellers and in a period of 2 weeks, Marijuana worth more than ksh. 50 Million has been nabbed in different parts of the country, the latest one being the Machakos one.

Police from Machakos County, Kikumini area have arrested a bhang suspect who has been farming Marijuana on his farm. It has been reported that the 35 year old man had planted bhang in his one acre piece of land and he was very brave because he had intercropped the illegal plant with maize and Miraa  hence it was difficult for someone o notice.

Police uprooting bhang in Machakos County

The suspect also had the seeds of Marijuana and he was planning to plant them. Area  Chief, identified as Mangee put the value of the Marijuana crop at KSh 10 million. It has also been said that the suspect has been arrested several times due to planting bhang allegations

“He had previously been arrested at a different location for selling the drug. He has kept on relocating and farming bhang in different parts of the county, he  usually used to bring water to irrigate the crop and they had matured very well “Chief Mangee.

The suspect is being held at Kikumini Police Station awaiting his court date.


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