“Wachawi Wa Village Hawalali” Kenyans React After Huge Tree Fell On The Prado Carrying The Bride

“‘Wachawi Wa Village Hawalali” Kenyans React After Huge Tree Fell On The Prado Carrying The Bride
A video has gone viral online, and has really caused stir among the online netizens, especially on Tiktok. This is a video of a very huge tree that fell on an expensive Landcruiser Prado TX that was carrying the bride.
The Landcruiser had been packed outside the house, waiting to take the bride to the church and other destination that they wanted to enjoy their big and best day. However the unexpected happened, a huge tree fell on the Prado and caused some damages.
The good news is that no one was inside the car, and no one was injured.
Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.
Here are the screenshots of some of the comments from Kenyans on Tiktok.
Most people are claiming that its bad omen, and maybe there are some people in the village who are jealous of their marriage, and that is a clear sign that people are fighting them, they really need to pray.