Msaliti Wewe Rudi Home: Nairobi Protesters Kick Out Kasmuel From Demonstrations

Msaliti Wewe Rudi Home: Nairobi Protesters Kick Out Kasmuel From Demonstrations
Political activist Kasmuel Macoure is now facing the tough reality from the young people. This is after he made a very unexpected move to switch side from GenZ movement to joining ODM and defending the government that has been humiliating Kenyans.
Today on 10th December, Kasmuel Macoure was courageous enough to show up at the end femicide demonstrations, that were happening in Nairobi CBD. However this time round things were different, he expected to be celebrated but the young people were very angry at him, they decided to chase him away.
It was by good luck that they didn’t harm him, however they were throwing insults at him, as they tell him to go back home. They were even threatening to beat him, but the plain clothes police officers came for his rescue. His life has been difficult ever since he started supporting the government.
Here is the link to the full video on Instagram.