Meet The Form 4 Dropout Millionaire Who Owns Ena Coach Bus Company.

Ena Coach Bus Company is among the buses that have been gaining fame in Kenya, due to its modern design, comfort and reliability. The buses mostly transport passengers from Nairobi to different parts of western Kenya and Nyanza.
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Most people aren’t aware of who is the owner of this multimillion bus company that has really revolutionaside the transport indust aand also provided employment to a huge number of kenyans.
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Evans Anyona is the man behind this company. Evans was born and raised in a humble background in Kisii County. After completing his secondary education and passing well, he was unable to join the university , due to lack of school fees.

His uncle took him and introduced him into the business sector. In 2002, evans purchased his first pickup, and modified it for transportation. He continued to hustle hard as he saves the small amount of money he used to earn.
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In the year 2005, Evans together with his friends,started the Transline bus company. It became a major success and it really gained fame, and it was among the well known bus company till to date .

After being among the co partners of Transline for a while, Evans had saved enough to start his own bus company. In 2018, the business mogul, launched the famous Ena Coach Bus Company. It took quite sometime for the company to be dominant but by the year 2022, it became among the top favourite bus for people travelling to western Kenya.
That is how Evans managed to start Ena Coach, and he has been gaining millions of money from the company. He has also provided employment to a significant number of Kenyans. Keep on going Evans.
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