Meet A Former CS and Mp Living In Extreme Poverty in His Friend’s Compound In Ngong Town.
Former CS and Usonga Mp who is living in poverty .
Sometimes if we don’t use the opportunities that are given to us very well, we end up regretting forever. Here is a story of a former CS and MP who is living in extreme poverty, at his friends compound in Ngong town. kajiado county.
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The richest people in Kenya are politicians, this is evident via the previous vetting of cabinet secretary. Politicians are worth billions of money, however things are different for the former Usonga member of parliament Otieno Mak Onyango.
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He is very poor and living a life that is not comparable to someone who once served in the cabinet and also the national assembly.

Sources have revealed that Mak’Onyango , for the past recent years, he has been residing in a rusty two roomed shack , that was constructed by his friend at the outskirts of Ngong Town.
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During one of the past interviews, the former MP said that life becomes hard because not many people are willing to work with ex-legislators.
The reason being some are tucked away in rural areas not because they cannot maneuver the urban life of Nairobi but simply because they cannot afford it. Hence he has just accepted his situation and he is used to living such a simple life.
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