Martha Karua Reveals Her Networth and Why She Only Owns1 Car .

Martha Karua Reveals Her Networth and Why She Only Owns 1 Car .
The Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua finally decided to reveal her networth to the public. She did this via an interview with Lyn Ngugi, to prove to Kenyans that she has never been involved in any corruption activities and her wealth is very genuine.
She said that her networth is just the same number it was in 2013. Karua said that she is still worth ksh.150 Million. This is money she made from her activist work, and her house is on her father’s land. She said that it also includes her father’s land in Tigoni area.
Karua said that currently she only owns one car that is under her name. The second car its for her friend which she sometimes borrow to use when going for a political rally. Karua said that she is free from corruption and if she feels that anything is not right she usually resigns or quit.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.