Larry Madowo Accused Of Setting Up Journalists To Police Officers.

A video has gone viral online, and in that video, a section of journalists , are seen quarreling with CNN reporter Larry Madowo. Larry who flew to Kenya to cover story of the Anti-finance bill protest found himself in a hot soup but seemed not to care.
In the video the journalist are heard accusing Larry Madowo for selling them out to police officers. It is alleged that the journalists were with Larry Madowo , gathering news and reporting from a similar location. However when the police came and demanded to who they were, Larry Madowo excluded himself from them.
Because he is very famous, the police knew he is a journalist, when he was asked about the other journalists, Larry said that he doesn’t know them and does not know what they were doing there. The police went on to humiliate the journalists, by teargassing them, and injured some of them.
Several of them were injured. They cried out and accused Larry Madowo for selling them out to police officers so that they can be humiliated. They felt that Larry had an opportunity to defend them but he just choose to defend himself, which is a very bad thing, for such a journalist.
Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.