Inside A Dirty Kitchen Owned By A Famous Kebab Seller In Nairobi CBD.

It is now emerging that a good number of hotels and businesses especially selling food and snacks operate in a very dirty or unconducive environment, especially the kitchens where this food stuffs are prepared.
A team of Officers from the Nairobi inspectorate department have been cracking down hotels in the city, and the latest one is the one owned by a famous Kebab seller in Nairobi CBD, especially at OTC.
He sells very sweet kebabs, but the kitchen is very dirty and unhealthy, the video shared online shows how they reuse cooking oil, in some cases the oil has even turned to color black and this can even lead to a very serious lifestyle disease.
The kitchen has dirty stuffs everywhere and even the rats are freely moving, the room is just full of dirty food remains and it is stinking. However here is where the favorite snacks in the city are prepared from. Sometimes people have a reason of avoiding street foods and this is one of the reasons.
Here are some of the photos.
Here are the screenshots of some of the comments.
Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.