Meet The Luo Man Who United Kenyans By Leaking Nyako’s Nyapwetho Video.

Whatever happens online is crazy, and every wrong move a person makes has consequences, Nyako found herself in a hot soup after something she thought was doing for fun, came back to haunt her. The video she recorded like a year ago (2023) , united kenyans by going viral on all social media pages.
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Nyako had already told the netizens, that she is aware that someone has her nude video, and he has been threatening to leak them. She said that she wasn’t scared of that, and she was ready to handle the whole situation.
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The man that Nyako claimed that had that video, was the famous tiktoker by the name Big Daddy. Nyako said that he was the one who told her to record the video, and that day she was just from the bathroom.

She waa a fool and because she trusted this man, she accepted to be told what to do. So she went on and did whatever she was being told, without knowing that one day the video will be used against her.
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It is not clear what happened between Nyako and Big Daddy, but the two crossed path and he decided to leak the video online. The video really caused stir and affected Nyako mentally to an extent she accepted it was her and her private parts looks that way because she has slept with many men, she used to be a prostitute at koinange street.