Kenyans Raise Ksh.40,000 For Peter Salasya To Steal The Finance Bill.

One of the most famous and controversial member of parliament, Peter Salasya was among the MPs who their phone numbers leaked online. This is after Kenyans on twitter decided to expose all the numbers of the members of parliament and urge them to vote No against the proposed finance bill.
The bill is termed as punitive by a good number of kenyans and it is like everyone is against it. Through his official Instagram page, Salasya decided to expose, what he has gained after his phone number leaked online.
From the screenshot, Kenyans were sending him money from as low as ksh.1 bob, and all the money had accumulated to ksh.40,000 . He even showed the screenshots of the messages and said that he is still receiving money, and messages though some are threats.
The money is for him not to support the finance bill, and even on twitter some netizens were urging Salasya to steal the bill and run away with it. Kenyans are oppressed and they are now demanding the members of parliament not to support the bill at any cost, they have even launched an online campaign.
Here is the Instagram link.