John the Baptist From Bungoma: Niko na Wanawake 46, Watoto 290 na Bado Naoa.

The self proclaimed John the Baptist from Bungoma has opened up about his family and how he manages to take care of such a huge family of over 300 members.
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Speaking in an interview with one of the online media, John said that he has 46 wives, though unfortunately 4 of them have passed away, hence, he is remaining with only 42 wives. His youngest wife is 23 years old and she has 1 child already.

When it comes to children, he has 290 children and they reside in different homesteads. He has like 8 homesteads in different parts of Bungoma County. He said that currently the number of his grandchildren are uncountable.
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The 83 years old man said that he won’t quit marrying and getting children, because it is a command from God, and being the senior prophet of God who baptised Jesus Christ, he will never go against God’s command that human beings are supposed to procreate and fill the earth.
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The old man said that he is wealthy and he has over 300 acres of land in different parts of Western Kenya. He also has alot of livestock, hence maintain and taking care of his wives isn’t a problem.
He said that he satisfys them very well in bed, and non of them can cheat on him. He is a prophet and if they cheat, he will just know, so they all fear doing such acts.
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He concluded by saying that , God showed him that he will live for 220 years, so he still has over 170 years to live, and he will continue marrying new wives till his death.
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