Inside A Ksh.450 Million Mansion Owned By Ringtone Apoko In Runda.

Ringtone Alex Apoko is one of the most famous, celebrated and controversial kenyan gospel artist. The self proclaimed chairman of the gospel music industry in Kenya, is among the few musicians who live in the wealthy surbubs of Runda.
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Ringtone Apoko decided to show off his Multimillion Mansion that is still under construction in Runda estate. This comes months after he was chased away from Karen, by a South Sudannese tycoon, who claimed that the musician had grabbed his father’s mansion.
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In a video shared on plug tv, Ringtone Apoko revealed that his mansion is worth about 300 Million United States Dollars, this is equivalent to ksh.450 Million.
The artist said that the mansion is still under construction, and from reliable sources, it is alleged that it is a 10 bedroom mansion. A sneak video of the mansion showed his huge living room, and a modern open kitchen.
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The dressing room, with over 250 pairs of shoes,and different brands of clothes was also another place that was very attractive. Ringtone didn’t allow the bloggers to go past that, because of his privacy, and also the mansion is still under construction.

The musician now owns two multimillion mansions in Runda estate. He revealed that The 2013 election campaign was the source of his Multimillion lifestyle. He campaigned for Jubilee and Uhuru kenyatta used to pay him ksh.1 Million Daily and that is how his lifestyle changed completely.
Click the link below to watch full video on YouTube.