“Ilikuwa Clout Tu” Diamond and His Mother Lie to His Fans About Unveiling His Wife.
Diamond Platinumz Clout Chasing

On 11th April 2022, Diamond Platinumzs fans were eagerly waiting for Diamond to unveil his wife to be, and everything had been setup very well like a wedding occasion. Everyone was very sure that Diamond will finally reveal his wife and mary her publicly.
(Mama Dang’otes statements before Diamond being made the brand Ambassador of Airtel).
However this didn’t happen it was all clout chasing that was meant to promote Airtel which is the new company that has made Diamond Platinumz their brand Ambassador. In short Diamond wanted to tell the public and all his fans that he is the new brand Ambassador of Airtel.
(Diamond Platinumz being made the brand ambassador of Airtel).
To attract all the attention and get many views on YouTube, Diamond Platinumz decided to chase clout and the only way this could have been done perfect was to collaborate with Mama Dang’ote and lie to their fans that Diamond will be unveiling his wife.
Most of his fans have hitted out at him and others have also congratulated him for the new job. So it is now clear that all the romours that have been going around that Diamond Platinumz has a private girlfriend were all clout chasing. The only romour that still remain valid is about Diamond Platinumz dating Zuchu.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube. (courtesy of Wasafi Media).