Njambi’ Koikai’s Father Last Words Before He Died.

Moments after the burial of the famous reggae MC and host, Njambi Koikai at the famous Lang’ata Cemetery, Her father Ambassador Daniel Koikai has been pronounced dead. This is a double tragedy to the family, what a huge loss.
Before his death Mr Daniel Koikai wrote his tribute and it was read at the funeral of Njambi. He didn’t attend the burial ceremony, he was missing and the cited that he was still grieving.
Mr Daniel had apologised for not being in Njambi’s life that much, because of the official duties. In his speech, Daniel decided to write the whole biography of Njambi , including the year she was born, and how he left her for official duty abroad, something that has separated him from the family for too long.
He apologised for not being there for Njambi when she needed him most, and promised to stay strong as he continues to grieve the death of his beloved daughter.
However moments after the speech had been read, and Njambi buried, the news emerged that Mr Daniel Koikai is no more, and that the allegations is that he died via suicide. RIP Mr Koikai.
Here is the video.