“I love My Girlfriend’s Behinds , Ameongeza Sana” Trevor Praises Mungai Eve.
Director Trevor Praising Eve Mungai

“I love My Girlfriend’s Behinds , Ameongeza Sana”
Trevor Praises Mungai Eve.
Mungai Eve’s Boyfriend Director Trevor has finally decided to speak about Mungai Eve’s body transformation. Mungai Eve has been adding weight and her butts have been growing bigger for the past few months. Trevor has said that is all he wanted and he likes grabbing Eve’s behinds in public.
Mungai Eve said that she hasn’t gone for any booster, she is just eating well and free from stress and sickness hence the hips have just started to broaden alone.
Director Trevor said he is very happy with the current transformation, and she even walks in public touching her butts “Nimefurahia sana nataka zikuwe kubwa kabisaaa, huwa nafurahia kuziguza guza nataka ziongezeke” Trevor said.
Mungai Eve on her side she said she is also happy with the transformation and she does not want to add wait again. The two lover birds said that currently they are receiving a very good amount of money from brands and also YouTube is doing well and they hope to get to million subscribers by the end of the year.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube has reacted).(courtesy of Jalang’o tv).