Light Moment As Jeff Koinange Forced To Climb On A Chair To Greet GenZ Goliath

It all started as a joke, Bradley the famous GenZ Goliath who went viral online during the GenZ protests has now started getting interviews in main media houses.
The 27 years old young man had an opportunity to visit the Royal media house for his first interview on national TV. Bradley who is a resident of Kangemi and hails from Majengo, Vihiga County, didn’t hide his happiness after meeting Jeff Koinange for the first time.
However Jeff decided to create a light moment in the studio by climbing a chair so as to match the height of Bradley and greet him.
Here is the screenshot.
Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.
Bradley is expecting to land into several deals, and several companies have started showing interest in working with him. He already has a manager and very soon we will see him influencing bigger brands in Kenya.