How I Used To Earn Ksh.280,000 Per Month For Washing Utensils in A Hotel in USA.

A Kenyan man finally decided to open up on his first ever job in United States of America. The young man who is in the US army revealed how he managed to get a well paying job before joining the USA army.
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He said that when he first landed in USA his first ever job was working in a hotel, whereby he used to wash the utensils, and this was just an easy job, however he used to earn ksh.70,000 every week. His friend told him to negotiate so that the salary can be about ksh.90,000 per week but he didn’t because he felt that 70k was more than enough.
Therefore every month this young man used to earn ksh.280,000 per month, remember this is just for only washing utensils.He said that the work was somehow draining, but to a normal kenyan he or she may see it as just an easy job.
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The young man said that in USA, if you spend dollars, then something like 500 dollars is a very small amount of money and you can’t even rent an apartment, however the same money in Kenya is simply a monthly salary of someone in an office working from 9-5.

This man said that there are alot of opportunities in USA , but if you go there don’t start comparing the dollar to ksh, if you do so, you might not enjoy because you may feel that you are wasting alot of money. For example you may found coffee is 5 dollars, which is around ksh.750, now you see you may think you are wasting money.