” Hii ndio Inabamba Sasa” Wasp Waisted Korino Lady Giving Kenyan Men Sleepless Nights.

A video of Akorino lady showing her dope dance moves has gone viral online. The video has attracted alot if views and comments on social media pages, especially on tiktok. Men are really going crazy with her twerking skills.
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The 4 minute video was recorded in one of the clubs in Nairobi. The lady took the stage with a storm, and she was left alone to just show the audience what her mother gave her. She was wearing the Akorino turban and a dress that wasn’t that short.
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She was very confident, she seemed to be somehow tipsy, but that didn’t matter. She went direct to winning her wasp waist as she shakes her medium sized ‘nyash’ in a unique way that made almost all men to focus on her.

Her electric twerking skills have made her famous, and men were really salivating at her despite some of the social media users mocking her.
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It is rare to see Akorino ladies twerking in clubs , their religion is somehow strict. However the Generation Z version ladies , no longer care about what religion say, they just want to have fun and get drunk as they enjoy life.
Here are the screenshots of some of the comments from tiktokers.