
“Hii Kitu Inaweza Kataa Kusimama” Bahati Reveals Why He Will Not Do Vasectomy.

One of the most famous Kenyan celebrity and musician , Kevin Bahati , finally decided to reveal the reason why he will not do vasectomy, despite receiving pressures from his Wife Diana Marua who said that she is done with getting pregnant.

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Vasectomy is also known as male sterilisation is a surgical procedure to cut or seal the tubes that carry a man’s sperm to permanently prevent pregnancy.

Speaking in an interview with online media, Bahati who had earlier on revealed that he may do vasectomy, because he felt that he had already got enough children, decided to change his past decision and said that there are high chances that he might not undergo that surgical procedure.

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According to Bahati, the procedure may somehow interfere with his bedroom performance. The singer said he fears it because maybe it may make him not to ejaculate again, or generally just make him not to enjoy conjugal rights.
” Hapo kwa vasectomy, sidhani kaa naweza endea, inaweza fanya hii kitu ikatae kusimama tena, wanaweza kata mshipa huwa inaisimamisha” Bahati said.
Therefore it is now clear that Bahati will not undergo vasectomy as he had said earlier on, he still has to be civilised more about it, and maybe in future he may undergo the surgical procedure.

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There is a list of several male celebrities who have come out publicly and revealed that they may do vasectomy. Biensoul of Sautisol is among the list of those celebrities who are ready to undergo male sterilisation.

Click here to watch full video on YouTube.

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