In 2007 I had a heart attack that was partly caused by High blood pressure. Caused by high blood pressure. Prior to the heart attack. I dint even know I had the disease. Despite having many of the risk factors.
It was very scary experience. Leading up to my heart attack. I had been under a lot of stress working the third shift and working the third shift and planning a surprise birthday party to my sister. I had a head ache for a few days that thought was a migraine and attributed it to the stress. I even took migraine medications to see if that would help. Looking back. I know that my body was trying to tell me something.
The day after the surprise party. We had cookout with friends and family. While I was cleaning up and mopping afterward, I felt a very sharp pain in my chest. I ignored that pain, but it woke me up around 4:00am and I was rushed to the emergency room. Once I was in the emergency room. I dint have to wait after explaining my symptoms to the nurse. I was rushed to the back for treatment and was then told that I was having a heart attack. A surgeon preformed a surgery on me. This means that a thin tube with a tiny balloon on the end was threaded through a blood vessel near my heart and inflated to widen the artery and restore blood flow to my heart and body. When I was discharged from the hospital. Part of my diagnosis was High blood pressure.

The stress in my life was a big component we also have a family history of high blood pressure – my parents brother and sister all have high blood pressure, My lifestyle was also a problem. I dint really pay attention to the amount of salt in the food stuffs that I ate, so often consumed more than I should have. When I was served with food on the table I always requested an additional salt, this is one thing that I would say I was an addict to and I cannot explain why.
The doctor told me that my pressure will have to be monitored, but I still have a lot of concerns about the diagnosis. Was the pressure caused by anxiety, heavy workload or stress? What are the adverse effects of high blood pressure and will I is enslaved to medication for the rest of my life? those were many questions that were running in my mind without answers, I felt as if my life had just ended I was placed under medication thereafter, from time to time I had to go pick them in hospital under prescription and take them to sustain my blood pressure levels, It was such a painful life experienced that I went through without relief.
I was placed under medication to try and prevent the long-term effects of high blood pressure, to try and lower it to normal level. I was advised that if after that the blood pressure reading are normal, then the medicine would be working, if I was to stop taking the medicine the blood pressure was going to go up, which is why important for me to keep taking the medicine. It was not enslavement it was lifesaving, the medics would advise from time to time. I was advised to reduce the amount of salt I was consuming, reduce the amount of fat and starch and died, which I always tried and adhered to, but after years of medication I got tired, I remember at one point I tried to take away my life by committing suicide, because I thought I was a living dead just waiting for the day I was going to die, to me blood pressure was like a death sentence. In 2017 my blood pressure rose –up again and I was admitted at Eldoret teaching and referral for a month. After a discharge things were still the same, drugs and regular medical check-ups. One day. One day as I was surfing on the internet I came across a website herbal doctors who had advertised that they were experienced in treating High blood pressure, after thoughts I decided to give it a last try, I booked an appointment with the doctor, the following morning I visited their head offices in Nakuru Kenya, I met the doctor and I was diagnosed and given herbal medicine and released to go back home, After some three days I felt better when I went for testing I was pronounced to be High blood pressure free. I felt so happy like I had never felt before, am back on my feet and feeling much better at the moment. Credit to kiwanga doctors
I advise anyone with High blood pressure related complication to visit kiwanga doctors for a fast and cost effective treatment, Kiwanga doctors also deal in treatment and healing of various illnesses including, Diabetes, Syphilis, Tuberculosis among others they also cast Real and genuine spells in the world including Money spell, Success spell, Love spell among others.
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