” Walikosana Juu Ya Deni” Azziad Exposed For Allegedly Borrowing Mungai Eve Money For Flight Tickets

” Walikosana Juu Ya Deni” Azziad Exposed For Allegedly Borrowing Mungai Eve Money For Flight Tickets
Inside sources have revealed that Mungai Eve and Azziad Nasenya are no longer in good terms. The two used to be best friends and they even used to hang out together.
However the two parted ways, after Azziad borrowed Eve money for flight tickets. According to sources it is alleged that Azziad Nasenya and Eve had a disagreement because she had allegedly failed to pay the money, and this was the end of their friendship.
Here is the link to the full information on Instagram.
Here is the screenshot of the full information on Instagram.
Some of the celebrities that have alleged that Azziad Nasenya owe them money is Mary Musyoka and also Hannah Benta. Azziad currently is going through a very difficult time, all the audios and conversations of her borrowing money from her friends and also clients have leaked online and it has really damaged her brand. We hope all shall be well.