Brian Chira: How I Found Out That I’m HIV Positive, ‘ Nimejaribu kujiua mara kadhaa’.

One of the most famous Kenyan tiktoker Brian Chira, who went viral after confessing his love for Andrew Kibe, has finally opened up on battling with HIV virus.
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Chita has been sensational on Tiktok and he has been gaining followers at a higher rate.Despite being famous, Chira has been really struggling in life and financial instability and poverty have been among the things that have been affecting him, keeping in mind that he is on HIV medication.
Brian Chira said that he found out that he was positive in 2022, August. His friend tricked him and took him to a VCT. So after carrying out the test, he found out that he had the virus.
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It was a very emotional moment, him together with the doctor who had done the taste broke into tears, because Chira had just lost his mum and auntie from the same virus.
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He said that he thought it was a life sentence and it took him time to accept that he is positive, and start taking drugs. He has tried to commit suicide several times, but God has really tried to prevent it from happening.
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Chira started taking the ARVs consistently, and now the viral load in his body is zero. This means that he can’t infect anyone. He urged all the Kenyans to just feel free and go at the VCT to know their status. HIV is not a death sentence, people can live longer with the virus.
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