
Beyond Embarrassment: How To Deal With Erectile Dysfunction.

When a man reaches the age of 18 years, an independent age to make own the decision, that urge of having a lover, opposite sex popes- up, the need having a girlfriend or a boyfriend is necessarily to meet your sexual urge by having sex. As we all know a relationship without sex, it’s not a relationship but friendship, How would feel when you have a sexual urge but not able to have sex with your lover.

You will not be at peace, it’s one thing that is totally shameful, and you would not wish anyone outside the relationship that as a man your penis does not erect, and if the outside world knew about it they would always laugh at you, leaving feeling disturbed psychologically. My name is James from Namanga and for the past few months I have been suffering in silence after my penis stopped erecting, I have had a number of girlfriends whom we parted ways with on ground that my man hood was not functional, some would make fun of me and call me a bisexual that needed not to be in a relationship with any lady as they said I was only joking on matters sexual satisfaction.

I currently have a good looking sexy wife whom without any stimulations a penis would just be ready for a fuck. But for me it has not been easy ever since I married her I have never had mutual sex with her but only opted to having oral sex only, the reason being my penis cannot erect, she always complained that orally I did not meet her sexual satisfaction, that I wasn’t fulfilling her conjugal rights.

And that if I did not improve on my gave she would opt going of the marriage to get her sexual needs satisfied. I had the urge to have sex but my penis could not erect even after seeing the body of a naked woman.

I decided to go to a hospital and seek attendance from a productive doctor to see if I would reverse my condition, I met a doctor who gave me medication and told me that the condition would reverse in two months’ time; two months ended but change never showed up.

I am still the same, my penis does not erect, and upon inquiry from the doctor why I had not healed he transferred me to a bigger health facility in Nairobi where I underwent a surgery but changed anything. My wife got impatient and she started going out of the marriage with other men at our neighborhood. One day I confronted her as to why she was committing adultery only to get an insulting answer, she called me a half a man who could not satisfy her wife sexually and that was the reason she opted to go and get sexual satisfaction outside the marriage, that felt kind tormenting but I had to cope up with it.

I decided to open up and shared the story with some friends of mine at a party, some laughed at me while other sympathized with me, Its then a friend of mine informed me about kiwanga doctors, herbal doctors who could reverse my condition in just a few days, I booked an appointment with doctor kiwanga, and met him the following day early in the morning, he gave me herbal medication and informed me that I would be fine in just a few days, two days after meeting the doctor, I got well my penis erected for the first time, I met my wife that same night, she kept Cumming, and congratulated me for the good job done.

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Thanks to kiwanga doctors. They also deal in casting of real and genuine spells in the world like Love spell, black magic spell and Success spell among other spells, they also treat and heal various infections like Pneumonia, tummy decrease, Penis enlarging among other complications.

For consultations call:  +254 769 40 4965    /E-MAIL:kiwangadoctors@gmail.comor visit the website

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