
“We Are Not Dating ,We ‘feel’ each other” Diamond Platinumz and Zuchu Reveals

Diamond and Zuchu


(image, Diamond Instagram).

Diamond Platinumz and Zuchu have publicly denied that they are dating or having sexual affairs with each other.
Speaking in an interview with Wasafi Media, where they were asked very tough question about their relationship and how they do things, Diamond said that him and Zuchu are best friends and they do very many projects as artists from Wasafi.

(Diamond and Zuchu in Wasafi studios).

(source Wasafi YouTube).

One of the tough questions was if they ever feel each other. Both Diamond and Zuchu hesitated to answer the question. However Diamond Platinumz said that they feel each other musically because they have a great vibe. Zuchu agreed with him and she said that they have a good chemistry.

Diamond and Zuchu also revealed that they usually make late night WhatsApp business calls. This are video calls of either Zuchu showing Diamond the stage setting or the other way round.
Speaking about them getting married, Diamond said that is supposed to be decided by their families, traditions and God. If all does are a yes then they can get married, but for now they are friends and he isĀ  just helping Zuchu to grow musically.

I think the two are waiting for the perfect time, their chemistry is just dope and they really deserve to date each other. This can only happen if Diamond Platinumz agrees to settle because in most relationships he is the one who usually cheats on his partners.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

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