
” Nimefukuzwa Shule Juu Ya Kukatia Mwalimu” Form One Student Nuru Okanga Expelled From School.

Raila Odinga’s top supporter Nuru Okanga has finally decided to reveal to the public, why he dropped out of school. Nuru Okanga was a form one student in one of the secondary schools in Western Kenya. The 32 years old man did KCPE and passed securing an opportunity to join secondary school.

However speaking during the Obinna Show, Okanga said that he was forced to drop out of school, after he was expelled by the school principle. Okanga said that he was caught being involved in a romantic relationship with one of the teachers and this was the beginning of the whole mess. The school decided to expel him.

He said that he is now looking for another school, because his goal is to finish form four as soon as possible and prepare for being on the ballot in 2027 as an MCA of his home ward in Mumias area.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

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