Obinna Reveals The Huge Salary and Amount Of Money He Spends on Dem Wa Facebook Every Week To Make Her Look Beautiful.

Oga Obinna has finally decided to open up on the salary he pays Dem Wa Facebook and how he has been trying very hard to make her a brand and also change her lifestyle. This is after some rumours went viral online that Obinna is just using her for fame.
He said openly that he is just helping Dem Wa Facebook to become a big brand. Obinna said that every Monday he spent ksh.5000 on Dem Wa Facebook, that is for logistics and make sure her outfits and transport is paid as she shows up for shooting content. Additionally he usually takes her to places so that she can explore.
Every month Obinna usually do pay Dem Wa Facebook salary and this salary includes the percentages they have agreed. On top of the salary he usually do pay her money they have made from the deals they do advertise together. He has also been connecting her to clients and this has been helping her to build her brand.
Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok.
Here is the screenshot of some of the comments.