
She Stole My Newly  Bought Motorbike (Boxer  B.M 150) And  Returned It.

My name is Stephen a bobaboda operator in Ongata rongai kajiado county, For over 10 years  I have been dealing with boda boda business in the area at Masai lodge stage along the Nairobi- magadi road. This has been the business I have been doing, to pay my bills, in short bodaboda operation as commonly known in Kenya has been a source of my lively hood for me and my family.
I have a wife and a seven year old son who is a class two, both of them depend on me to cater for their daily needs, that is pay rent, bills plus school fees for my son something that I have been doing daily without delay. A fortnight ago something happened that I would wish to share, let’s say it’s a lesson to some, and a solution to many of the people who have experienced it, How would you feel if someone took away your source of income, definitely yow will feel bad and to add on that you will be in pain and suffering.

As you know money is everything in any urban center, you need money to buy food, pay rent, and pay your bills and many more in short without money no life indeed. Its three months now when cases of motorbike theft started being reported at our operation stage at Masai lodge along the Nairobi magadi road in ongata rongai Kajiado County. Many of my friends have lost their motor bikes without recovery something that returned most of them in total poverty. They did followed the law and reported this matters to the police, but no good came out it, most times the police would say that they have launched investigations that never end perpetrators brought to book, I think the police collaborate with the thieves and get some little share from it, I made to say that because the way the police handle  matters motorbike theft it’s just worrying, they from time to time fail the victim, No single motor bike stolen reported to the police has been recovered.

She Stole My Newly  Bought Motorbike (Boxer  B.M 150) And  Returned It.

It has been one month since I bought a new Boxer B.M 150, motor bike at a cost of Kenyan shillings 130,000 (One hundred and thirty thousand shillings) to venture into motor bike operation services, the journey has been so good, as I was making 1000 Kenyan shillings on daily basis as profit, something that has been encouraging, then it was last week on Saturday morning when a young woman came at our stage as a customer, She requested me to first drop her at Ngong town, before I could take her to Nairobi, She asked me to be fast as the matter was urgent little did I know that was a set up to steal my motorbike, I hurriedly and happily accepted to do as per her request, so we took off to ngong town.

After some two kilometers ride I noticed something, weird with my customer, she was making call after call, she was speaking in her native language so I couldn’t get to understand what she was talking about. She made several stops buy scratch cards and top up her talk time and continue with her conversation. Perhaps that was her business, why pop a nose in peoples businesses that doesn’t concern you. I said to myself silently and never bothered to ask her why she made so many calls. After some thirty minutes ride, we arrived at ngong town, she said that she was going to meet up a business partner for thirty minutes (30 minutes) and then I would take her to Nairobi central business district. She seemed kind, she told me not to worry that she was going to pay for the thirty minutes I was going to wait, “If you don’t mind just join us in the hotel I will buy you lunch”, she said, so we entered at a restaurant at ngong, she ordered a few drinks with meat, a man joined us and introduced himself as Jackson, they started to converse in a native language that I dint understand, people love their culture, let them speak it’s a culture here in Kenya, I said to myself as I sipped my drink through a straw, After some twenty minutes I started to feel dizzy, no energy even to utter a word the next thing I felt is a hand in my pocket taking motorbike keys, from that I never knew what transpired until I woken up in the middle of the night by the restaurant attendant that it was time for them to close the business, I checked in my pocket but never got my keys, run to the parking to check on my motor bike, it was nowhere to be seen, It had been stolen, that’s when I learned I was drugged to sleep, it was shocking indeed “never judge a book by its cover” I reported the matter at Ngong police station and returned home in thoughts, wondering what was next, next morning I returned to the police station to establish where they had reached with the investigation, to my disappointment nothing had been done. I left the station sadly and hungry, as I was heading to the bus stop I came across a poster about kiwanga doctors, they advertised that they could recover stolen items, I took the contacts and called them, I explained fully what had transpired, the doctor requested me to go home and rest that the thief was going to bring the bike by himself, the following morning I heard screams  outside my house, when I opened the door to check what was up, it was the woman with the man who had stolen my motorbike, besides them there was my bike. They apologized for having stolen the motor bike, they also said they were having sleepless nights and the motor bike talked to them and requested them to return it to the owner, I forgave them and took my motor bike back. Credit to kiwanga doctors for helping me get my stolen motorbike.  I advise anyone who is facing theft issues to visit kiwanga doctors they are the solution to recovery of your stolen items. They also treat and heal various illnesses like Diabetes, Meningitis and broken bones among others, they are also talented in casting real and genuine spells in the world like Money spell, Love spell, Witchcraft spell among other spells.

For consultations call: +254 769404965 /E-MAI: or visit the website

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