” Alisimama Juu Ya Moto Na Bibilia Na Hakuchomeka ” Yesu Wa Tongaren Performs His First Miracle In Bungoma.

Yesu Wa Tongaren’s wife Nabii Benjamin has finally decided to reveal to the public , the miracle that she personally witnessed Yesu Wa Tongaren, her husband performing.
In a video that was shared on Tiktok, The wife said that there was a day they were just fellowshipping. Then yesu decided to do the unthinkable. They just saw items that witches use to bewitch people entering the house from nowhere.
All those items, which were weird entered the room and Yesu wa Tongaren took them, put them in a plastic basin, stood inside with them then he lit fire. Something shocking is that the items were burning but Yesu Wa Tongaren wasn’t burning.
His clothes and plastic basin didn’t burn. Remember all the items burned to ashes but the fire didn’t catch the clothes of Yesu Wa Tongaren and the basin. This was shocking and this made her believe that Yesu Wa Tongaren is indeed a servant of God.
Here is the full video of Nabii Benjamin explaining what happened.