Willis Raburu : I Was Told My Twa Twa Game is Weak Because of Overweight.(Video).
Willis Raburu opens up on cyber bullying.

Tv Journalist and famous presenter and media Personnel Willis Raburu, Opens up on cyber bullying. Raburu said that he has received alot of insults from bullies because of his weight.
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Willis Raburu Opening up on Cyber Bullying.
Speaking in an interview with Mungai Eve. Willis said that he has been a victim of cyber bullying for a long time. He said that because of his big body and weight, some bullies took advantage to insult him.

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One of the most painful insult, was when a female fan, insulted him that he has poor bedroom skills because of his weight. Raburu said that, he will never forget that statement. He said that it pained him and he decided to respond to the fan.
“Niliambiwa niko na mafuta mingi, na ikikuja ile upande wa bedroom mimi ni underperformer. Hio statement iliniuma mbaka nikaamua kutusi huyo dem pia. Otherwise I’m good io sector and my wife has never complained”.
How to Deal with Cyber Bullies.
The social media space is full of bullies. For the case of Willis Raburu, he said that he usually block the bullies. Sometimes he also try to fireback at them or ignore negative comments and focus on the positive comments.
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The media personality said that he is now used to bullies. He said that he went for weightloss surgery because of his health and not insults. The surgery costed him ksh. 900,000. It is a lifetime thing and he is loosing weight. The entertainer advised overweight people, to undergo the surgery in Kenya, because it is cheap and safe.
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