Tumefika Kwa Uchawi Sasa: Diana Rose Tells Rachael Otuoma That She Will Go To Have Twa Twa With Ezekiel Otuoma In The Grave

The beef between Diana Rose and Rachael Otuoma is getting nasty and out of hand now. Diana is now trying to use all means to bring Rachael Otuoma down.
She started by calling all the companies Rachael Otuoma is working for, and threatened them to fire her, or she damage the companies name online.
After that Diana went on and alleged that the day Ezekiel Otuoma died, Rachael Otuoma was having intimacy with another man in his house, as Otuoma watch.
She said that to prove the truth, she will use rituals to go to Ezekiel Otuoma’s grave and have intimacy with him in the grave. The wake him up to reveal the truth to people. Diana said she is serious about this and she is ready to do it.
She will go ahead and tell Ezekiel Otuoma to show him the grave of her husband. She said she will perform all those rituals and they will be meant to haunt Rachael Otuoma.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.