
Tizian Savage Opens Up On Wamamaz Sponsoring His Expensive Lifestyle

Tizian Savage Opens Up On Wamamaz Sponsoring His Expensive Lifestyle

Tiktoker Tizian Savage, has finally decided to open up on all allegations that have been going viral online, that his expensive lifestyle is being funded by older women.

When he made it public that he was broke, Kenyans online alleged that the older women had dumped him. It has created a very negative atmosphere for him, he can’t even save money and buy something, because they usually link his success to older women.

Speaking in an interview with Mungai Eve, Tizian Savage savage said that he has never dated any older woman. His money and lifestyle is funded by gifts from Tiktok. He is a full time tiktoker and his work is to beg gifts on Tiktok.

The money he earns he pays bills and the remaining he saves and atleast buy some expensive things for himself. He said that the Audi A7 , he acquired it with money from his savings. He has never had an older woman and he will never date an older woman.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.( Watch from 15th minute).

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