Pastor Kanyari Opens Up On His love For Tizian, Nampenda , Ni Karembo and Very Handsome.

The self proclaimed man of God prophet Victor Kanyari caused stir online after he decided to confess live on Tiktok, that he loves Tizian Savage and he praised his hardwork and cuteness .
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Speaking on his live on Tiktok, Kanyari said that Tizian Savage is among the top most tiktokers in Kenya that he loves and admires. He started by praising his hairstyle and how it looks cute on him. He even said that he might consider putting on a hairstyle like for Tizian.
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He publicly said that Tizian Savage is very cute, and is the most humble tiktoker in Kenya. The man of God went on and congratulated, Tizian Savage for buying a brand new Audi A7 for ksh.7 Million , through tiktok.
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This comes days after Kanyari gifted Tizian Savage ksh.50,000 for just being famous on Tiktok. The gift raised alot of questions, and people thought it had a hidden meaning, keeping in mind that Kanyari has had several scandals and the gift of such amount of money can’t be that free.
Here is the link to the video of Pastor Kanyari confessing on how he loves Tizian and why he inspires him so much.