Thee Pluto Given ksh. 1 Million By A Famous Female Politician After Shaving Dreadlocks.
Thee Pluto Gifted Ksh 1 million

Thee Pluto Given ksh. 1 Million By A Famous Female Politician After Shaving Dreadlocks.
Street Sanitizer famous for the loyalty test, Thee Pluto is the new millionaire in town. Imagine he has been given the money because he shaved his dreadlocks.
Earlier after shaving the dreadlocks, Thee Pluto had revealed live on camera that it was a dare from his best friend and also aspiring women representative in Nairobi Wangui Nga’ng’a. According to Thee Pluto, Wangui dared him to shave his 6 years old dreadlocks for ksh. 1 Million.
After Shaving the dreadlocks, Wangui Nga’ng’a has fulfilled his promise, and she has given him cash 1 million ksh, live on camera. Wangui said it was a deal, and Thee Pluto is her best friend, and she had dared him so she had to fulfill her promise.
She also said that she wanted Thee Pluto to change, and being among her campaign team managers, she wanted him to look presentable and also official while attending some crucial meetings.
(here is the full video of Wangui giving Thee Pluto Ksh. 1 Million).
(courtesy of Nicholas Kioko).
Thee Pluto was over the moon and she appreciated Wangui for fulfilling her promise. Wangui also used the chance to address residents of Nairobi that she is a woman who says and fulfills hence she deserves to win the woman representative seat in the county.
Thee Pluto and Wangui have been friends for along time and there were even romours that Wangui helped her in buying his new prado.