Bonnie Musambi : Former Toilet Washer Who Turned To A famous Radio Presenter, Now Earning Millions At Statehouse.

Bonnie Musambi is a clear description of hardwork pays, and giving up will never be an option, because there is always light at the end of every tunnel. From humble beginnings, to earning millions of money at the Statehouse.
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Born Musambi is a Kamba from Kitui County, he became a famous public figure , after he secured a job at KBC Radio Taifa, where he used to host “Zinga La Asubuhi” with Cynthia Anyango. It was one of the best radio shows in Kenya.
However before that Bonnie has had a very dark past, and one of them was when he wanted to pursue his dream , which was journalism. His father was against the idea, and wanted him to be a teacher.
In addition to this, he was dating a certain lady from his village, and he was ready to marry her, but his parents also refused. He became hopeless and opted to go and commit suicide somewhere in Embu. He went to a certain church for a final prayer and here pastors realised something strange.

They talked to him, he opened up, they advised him and helped him to secure his first job. The job was washing toilets at a certain hotel. After a month he was promoted to a waiter, later secured a job as a choir teacher at a certain school in Embu , took them to nationals.
He got enough money to pursue his dream, went on and enrolled himself at Mombasa Politecnic, to pursue Media. One thing led to another , and by God grace secured well paying job at KBC , worked there for more than 10 years.
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He left KBC to join politics in 2022, failed to make it but the president had promised him a job. He secured a job in the communication department of the Statehouse, where he is earning millions of money.