
“Stop Misleading Youths Who are in Love, Tafuta Mwanamke Uoe” Krg Hits Out at Andrew Kibe.

Andrew Kibe Misleading the youths

“Stop Misleading Youths Who are in Love, Tafuta Mwanamke Uoe” Krg Hits Out at Andrew Kibe.

The beef between Krg the Don and Andrew Kibe is still the talk of the town, and daily it gets worse because the two celebrities keep on insulting each other, even using vulgar language.
After body shaming each other on social media about their looks, Krg the Don has again decided to hit out at Andrew Kibe with a very positive advise. Krg the Don who is currently on a vacation told Kibe that he should not give up on love because of a heartbreak. Krg revisited Andrew Kibe’s break up and used the break up to address Kibe.
Kibe was once happily married and he was even a pastor, but after breaking up with his wife he started developing a negative perspective towards women. According to Krg, Kibe hasn’t heal and that is why he is always bitter with people who are in love, especially the youths.

Krg told Kibe that, there are alot of good women out here, and he should look for one and marry so that he can heal. He warned him against misleading and insulting young youths who are in love and always telling them the negative side of love. Love is sweet and I can tell men that they only need to find a true person then they will enjoy love.

Kibe is trying to create content but the problem with Kibe is the way he is presenting his content. He is usually trying to bring people down and trying to make men never to believe in true love.

Krg told Kibe that he should marry and stop this bullshit.
(Here is the screenshot of Krg the Don’s message to Andrew Kibe).

(source, Krg Instagram).
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