Stevo Gives Pst. Kiengei 24 Hours To Apologise Or Face His Curse For Saying He Sings Like She Goat.

Stevo Gives Pst. Kiengei 24 Hours To Apologise Or Face His Curse For Saying He Sings Like She Goat.
Bishop Kiengei is in troubles again, this time is from the ex boyfriend of Prity Vishy, that is Stevo Simple Boy. Kiengei after body shaming Pritty Vishy, he is on record talking bad about the talent of Stevo Simple Boy.
Speaking during the interview, the bishop said that Stevo Simple Boy has no talent, instead he just sings like a goat. He said this on a national television.
That is an insult and also disrespectful. Stevo Simple Boy is a big brand and he also deserves to be respected. Speaking during an interview, Stevo gave the bishop only 24 hours, to apologise to him, or face his curse.
Apart from cursing him, Stevo will mobilise his fans and on Sunday they will together occupy the church of Bishop Kiengei. They will go physically to demand for apology, so the Bishop has only 24 hours to withdraw his statements.
Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.