Ringtone Apoko: My Networth is Ksh.50 Billion.
Ringtone Apoko says that he is worth ksh.50 Billion

One of the most famous and controversial gospel musician, Ringtone Apoko has revealed his networth. The self proclaimed chairman of gospel has said that he is the richest artist in Kenya, and there is no any artist that can be compared to him.
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Speaking in an interview with Mungai Eve, Ringtone Said that he is richer ten times than Krg the Don. He agreed that Krg is worth ksh.5 billion but he is his junior.
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Ringtone Apoko said that his networth is ksh. 50 billion. He said that he has alot of businesses and projects. Apoko owns three mansions in the city, one in Runda, Karen and lastly he has built another Mansion in Muthaiga.
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He is said to have lands and real estates in different parts of the country. He also owns several ranches and agricultural farms. Those are just few things that the controversial gospel singer owns.