RIP: Family Confirms The Death Of 85 Years Old Leonard Mambo Mbotela

RIP: Family Confirms The Death Of 85 Years Old Leonard Mambo Mbotela
Kenya is again mourning the death of another legend, the man who was the epitome of success of all media houses in Kenya. Leonard Mambo Mbotela is no more.
The veteran journalist who was famous for his ‘Jee Huu ni Ungwana’ slogan has been pronounced dead by his family members. He died in the capital city, and he has died at the age of 85 years.
Mandela was an icon in the media industry and most of the top journalists in Kenya were inspired by him. He has been battling with some lifestyle diseases and the family is yet to confirm what exactly led to his death.
Here is the screenshot of the full information on Facebook.
Here is the link to the full information on Facebook.
It is a very huge blow to the entire nation, may the soul of Leonard Mambo Mbotela rest in peace, we will forever remember him.