” No Need ya DNA Hiyo Kichwa ni Ya Thee Pluto” Reactions to Thee Pluto and Felicity’s Daughter Looks.

Kenyans on tiktok and online DCI have come out openly to defend Thee Pluto, against Andrew Kibe’s allegations that his daughter with Felicity , doesn’t belong to him. Kibe said that he has enough evidence to prove to Kenyans that Felicity cheated on Thee Pluto. He even alleged that he has a video of Fel with another man, and threatened to leak the video.
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Andrew Kibe went on and promised Thee Pluto ksh.134,000, if he agrees to do DNA test of his daughter Zoey. He even said that he is ready to pay for the test. No matter how the results will be, either negative or positive. He will still pay Thee Pluto that amount of money.

However Kenyans online have already concluded that the baby resembles Thee Pluto. A good number of tiktokers said that the head of Zoey is similar to the head of Thee Pluto. They therefore concluded that Thee Pluto is the legitimate father of Zoey and there is no need for DNA test.
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Here are the screenshots of some of the comments.

Thee Pluto himself said that he won’t do the DNA test, and said that people can say what they want, but for him he is sure that he is the real father of Zoey. Thee Pluto also vowed that he will avoid social media pressures, because they are among the things that make him run into depression.
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