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Tiktoker Nyako Explains Why she Fears Black Men in Bed

A Kenyan tiktoker and content creator, Nyako who is based in Germany, caused stir on Tiktok again, after she decided to reveal to the public, why she currently fears getting intimate with black men.

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Speaking during her tiktok live, Nyako was asked between white men and black men who are the best in bed. She said at her age, she currently prefers white men, she is not capable of handling black men energy.

Tiktoker Nyako
Tiktoker Nyako

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She said that the last time she  got intimate with a black man, she ended up in a chemist. The man fired to her like 5 powerful shot, and she left her shivering because she couldn’t contain that heat. She was forced to go for medication and since that day she has never slept with a black man.

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Nyako said that black men are good for young girls because they have energy that those young ladies aged 20 years and above need. Currently she is married to a white man who is similar to her age, and things are going on swiftly. She is receiving her conjugal rights well and she is enjoying her marriage life.

Click here to watch full video on Tiktok 

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