
Avocado Farmer Mpaps From Kayole Who Owns Ksh.14 Million Only Golden Rangerover in kenya.

Mpaps the Don or Mpaps Don went viral online after his Golden Rangerover trended on Tiktok. It captured the attention of many people, keeping in mind it is the only Golden Rangerover in Kenya. Literally him and Sonko have such but for Sonko he just wrapped all his cars golden.

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Speaking on the famous Celeb ride show with comedian 2Mbili, Mpaps who hails from Western Kenya but raised in Kayole, said that it has taken him alot of time and God’s grace to own his dream car.

Avocado Farmer Mpaps From Kayole Who Owns Ksh.14 Million Only Golden Rangerover in kenya.
Avocado Farmer Mpaps From Kayole Who Owns Ksh.14 Million Only Golden Rangerover in kenya.

From a humble background to making it in life hasn’t been a joke. He said that the story of his success can make him emotional, but at the end time heals everything and now he is enjoying the fruits of his hardwork.

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Mpaps said that he is a successful entrepreneur and he is into three business , and the top one being farming. The young man said that he owns about 40 acres of land, and he practice farming. The main crops he grows in his farm are bulb onions and Avocado.

He is making a huge amount of money from Avocado because he grow for export only. In addition to this he is a director of a certain Telecommunication company that deals with Faiba. His final business is that he is a part time Forex trader.

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Mpaps said that Jalang’o really inspired him to acquire this Rangerover, and he bought it for Ksh.14 Million. Aside from this he also owns a Prado Tx and also a Mercedes Benz.

He said that he loves everything about his car, and so far it has costed him ksh.500,000 to repair it when it had a minor accident. Fueling is not a problem to him , because he always put full tank, which is about Ksh.15,000 because it is a diesel car.

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He encouraged the youths and young people to work hard and smart, they should also have a believe that everything is possible, it is just a matter of time.

Click the link below to watch full video on YouTube.

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