
“Ni Uchungu Sana” Family Cry For Justice For Their Dead Son, Who Was pushed By Supermetro Conductor

“Ni Uchungu Sana” Family Cry For Justice For Their Dead Son, Who Was pushed By Supermetro Conductor

Thuo Kimani the young brilliant man, and also a Dad, is no more. It is unfortunate that is death was caused by lack of Ksh.30 bob bus fare, and no one was willing to pay for him. Hence the Supermetro conductor decided to push him out of a moving vehicle.

Kimani died on the spot. The family has come out to cry for justice of their beloved son. He was just a hustler and a breadwinner of his young family. His sister has called out the bua company, and urged the authorities to make sure that justice is served.

The pain in their eyes and also emotions could clearly tell how they were devastated. It is an accident that could have been avoided. Maybe the wise thing the conductor could have done, was to stop the vehicle and politely request him to come out.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

Rest in peace Thuo Kimani, we hope Justice will be served.

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