” Nyumba Si ya Thee Pluto Ni ya Mwarabu” Truth Watchdog Reveals The Truth.

One of the most famous Kenyan YouTuber and investigative content creator, Truthwatchdog is the talk of town, after he decided to expose a section of Kenyan celebrities who have been faking lifestyle online. The youtuber has been showing Kenyans concrete evidence to prove that some of the celebrities are indeed faking lifestyle.
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After exposing the famous youngest forex millionaire Kafuri FX, of claiming to own a mansion, yet he was just a tenant there, Watchdog decided to expose the 23 years old millionaire Thee Pluto.
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Recently, The Pluto flaunted a Ksh.60 Million Mansion online, and he claimed to be the legal owner of the mansion. He thanked God for blessing him, and making his dream come true.
However according to research than by Truthwatchdog, the mansion doesn’t belong to Thee Pluto. He said that the building belongs to an Arab tycoon, and infact the house is on sell for ksh.60 Million.

The content creator went on and dared Thee Pluto to show the documents of the mansion, to prove that he indeed owns it. He dared him to show title deed and ownership agreement.
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Watchdog said that alot of this young celebrities are just faking lifestyle, to pressurize the youths. He urged young people to stop falling into this online narratives, and start hustling hard. He said that social media is full of fake lifestyle.
Click here to watch full video on YouTube.