
Mixed Reactions After Bradley Said He Is 22 Years And He Ended His 6 Years Relationship After Fame.

Mixed Reactions After Bradley Said He Is 22 Years And He Ended His 6 Years Relationship After Fame.

Bradley Marongo has caused stir and mixed reactions online, after his latest interview with Massawe at Radio Jambo went viral online. In the interview most of his statements contradicted with what he had said before on social media and interview with other media houses.

In the previous interviews, Bradley said that he is 27 years, and he is a married man, he even said that he has a wife back in the village with two children.

However in an interview with Massawe, Bradley Marongo changed the tune, and he said that he is only 22 years and the last born in a family of four. He didn’t talk about his wife and children. He just said that after becoming famous, he decided to end his 6 years relationship, because alot of women want him.

Here are the screenshots of some of the comments from Kenyans on Tiktok.

Here is the link to the full video on Tiktok . This

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