
Meet A Man Who Turned Into A Woman On His Wedding Day.

Meet A Man Who Turned Into A Woman On His Wedding Day.

The story of Miss Mwiyango is very shocking and left alot of his villagers shocked. This young man was a very good person and known to be a good boy in the village, he fell in love with a certain lady and he even promised her that they will get married.

They had even planned for a wedding and everything was in place, they had even set the wedding date. However within that grace period the two had a misunderstanding and Mwiyango dumped the lady.

The lady was hurt and she decided to seek help from a witchdoctor. However the help was to bewitch him, so they bewitched Mwiyango and on the date the wedding was to happen, he woke up and started behaving like a woman.

People thought he had gone mad, but his character and behaviour changed and he started wearing dresses and doing makeup like a woman. They tried to take him to rehabilitation but he didn’t get back to normal. He continued to put on dresses and he still behaves like a woman.

The lady refused to forgive him, and said that she is happy seeing him behaving like a woman because he cheated on her and that is the only punishment that can also hurt him.

Here is the link to the full video on YouTube.

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